Wednesday, February 1, 2012

learning to blog

My interest in blogging was first piqued by a music therapist turned blogger in the United States named Kristen Chase.  She had written a fantastic book on music therapy assessment, but when I tried to find what university she had attached herself to, I discovered she had become a famous blogger, who gave great advice to new mom's.  She called herself the 'Mominatrix' and she was brilliant
So I was inspired, but inactive.

Then I then had the opportunity to contribute a couple of blogs in response to an almighty furor that erupted when I took my research on teenagers and music to the media to try and drum up some participants for my next study

I really appreciate the opportunity to write without having to provide evidence that my ideas have been inspired by the ideas of others - and this is fundamental academic currency.  So in this place, out in the real world, I want it taken as a given that I have read, well, you know, quite a lot of stuff and that it is all in my head somewhere, informing my thoughts, even when they seem innovative.  I promise to reference appropriately in all other forms of writing.  I do.  God bless blogging!

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